Wednesday, April 30, 2008

1st Post- Realization

The world around us is always spewing out its illusions and distractions to deter us from that which is true and proper. When our minds should be set on Torah U'Mitzvot, so much junk just literally covers our eyes in a darkness of falsehood. Just as the Mesilat Yesharim emphasises so much on this and how we need to light the dark and overcome all of the nisyonot of Olam HaZeh. Too many have forgotten what it means to act for true purpose and to realize the imminent coming of the Moshiach.

There are individuals who are aware that something extraordinary is occurring, but who are so busy with other matters, or so coarsened, that not only do they not know the meaning of the exceptional events, but they do not even know how to ask about them. They are unaware that these events are connected with the forthcoming Geulah (redemption), Torah and mitzvot... They must be told about Moshiach's coming, and G-d's promise in the Torah and Prophets that He will redeem us...

Others...explain world events in their usual heretical fashion, for they deny chevlei Moshiach (the birth pangs of Moshiach) as well as Moshiach's coming. They do not desire redemption and question Torah and mitzvos... Not only do they deny the validity of Torah and mitzvos, they cannot stand the fact that other Jews study and observe.

An evil person is to be reminded that at the time of the Exodus from Egypt there were also those who denied the redemption, even after G-d had show explicit miracles(!)... G-d is again giving those who deny the coming Redemption an opportunity to repent.
- The 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sefer Hama'amarim Yiddish #24
(as posted by Mystical Paths Blog and Emunah Paths Podcasts)

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