Friday, June 6, 2008

Ameilus BaTorah

Just a quick idea from parshat Nasso:

Parshat Nasso at one point talks about the erection of the Mishkan. Parek 7 pasuk 1 says:

ויהי ביום כלות משה להקים את המשכן וימשח אותו ויקדש אותו ואת כל כליו ואת המזבח ואת כל כליו וימשחם ויקדש אותם
Rav Henoch Leibowitz tz"l teaches an important concept on this. The Medrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 12) says that there were 3 things Moshe Rabbeinu really put his soul into and therefore they were credited to his name. Dinim, Torah, & the Mishkan. Dinim we learn from when Moshe sat judging and giving over Dinim. "Vayeshev Moshe lishpot et haAm." Torah we know from Moshe being on Har Sinai 40 days and nights. It says in Malachi: "Zichru Torat Moshe avdi." So we do we learn that the Mishkan is attributed to Moshe's name from? From the fact that Moshe would constantly go back and forth with the Mishkan workers about how to do all the work so that they should not make any mistakes. So since Moshe was moser nefesh for the building of the Mishkan, it was attributed to his name. And he was moser nefesh in the fact that he put all his efforts into constantly showing the workers how to do all the work.
But what does this mean? Just becasue Moshe kept reviewing with the workers, why does that mean he really put his soul effort into it? R' Leibowitz writes that we learn from here, that since Moshe Rabbeinu was prepared to be moser nefesh over the Mishkan, it is considered as if he was. We further learn from here an important concept. Someone who puts all his effort into Torah, & teaching it to others, is considered to be moser nefesh over Torah, just as Moshe was for the Mishkan according to the Medrash. Which as we know is the ultimate way to acheive the understanding of Torah (but that's a whole different topic).

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