Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thoughts Before RH: Time is Linear

Time is linear, not cyclical. Though every year we go through the same calendrical events in the Jewish year, and hear the same famous divrei Torah every year, and say the same tefillos every year, it's always different. We are always moving forward from year to year. When Hashem created the world, He created time. We are on a time line that began with berias haOlam and will continue until Hashem sends the Mashiach bb"a. People who were with us last year are no longer with us this year. Some have passed on, some went off the derech, some went missing. Whatever the case is, things are different now. And someone's tefillos will be different this year. We may same the same words, but each time we have a different heart, for better or for worse. World events change or perspective on life as we approach the Master of the World and pray for a merciful outcome in judgement this year.

Every year, our slate is wiped clean. We can start over. We recognize the reignof Hashem, declaring that we have changed and are different now. We are not the people we used to be. Some people don't appreciate what this means. We are not about to repeat another year, the same as any other; another Rosh HaShanah, then another Yom Kippur where we have to fast, then Succos which is always fun....

Every year we start over, but not from the beginning! Our mistakes are wiped away, but chas v'shalom that we should forget our experiences, the good and the bad! Yes, we start over, but it is the person who just finished 5772 that is about to start anew in 5773. We have the opportunity to grow from our experiences and implement them into a newly invigorated year of avodas Hashem. Though the calander may seem to repeat, we are really moving forward, always. History is not just a blurry downward spiral of wars, calamity, joyous occasions, births, deaths, some good presidents, some bad, Arab dictators etc. as some would see. It's all a process, planned and overseen by Hashem, leading to the End, when we will all live happily ever after.

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