Friday, September 18, 2009

Have you done anything to actually improve yourself lately? I don't mean just learning nice Yamim Noraim inyanim or listening to shiurim and such. I mean a real attempt to be metaken you're middot, not just a few minutes of cheshbon hanefesh and hitbonenut here and there even, mamash real ameilut to put into practice an attempt to be the better Jew that you are and always have been capable of being before the judgement tomorrow. It's really hard, just like R' Yisrael said, harder than learning shas. But still, we can learn shas and we can be metaken middot, it's been proven. Shkoyach to those who have been succesful at this, hopefully you'll be a real motivation for those around you.

K'tiva v'Chatima Tova

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