There are two yahrtzheits I would like to mention (of course there are others of note during these days as well):
On 8 Cheshvan, 3 days ago, was the yahrzeit of Reb Nachumke Kaplan of Horodnah tz"l. He was b
orn in 5572 (1812) and was niftar in 5640 (1879). He was a great tzaddik and talmid chochom. He learned in various yeshivot including the famed Volozhin yeshivah. Reb Nachumke had incredible humility and did not accept any rabbinic post even though it was offered to him. He was a great baal chesed, collecting and distributing tzedakah. Even though he burried most of his 17 children, he remained steadfast in his avodat Hashem. The holy Chofetz Chaim considred Reb Nachumke to be his rebbe. The Chofetz Chaim tells of Reb Nachumke that he once saw him in shul when he thought he was alone. Reb Nachumke went over to the boxes reserved for sheimot and took out a sefer kabbalah. He sat down and began to learn while the Chofetz Chaim watched in hiding. He then saw a fire surround him and watched his rebbe learn, shaking the whole time. When he returned the sefer, the fire left. The Chofetz Chaim kept a picture of Reb Nachumke with him so that he could show it to his children and tell them, "this is what a tzaddik looks like."
Today, 11 Cheshvan is the yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu. There is not enoug
h room here to write about the holy tzaddeket. The chesed of Rachel is so incredible and inspiring, as well as her yirat shamayim. She cried over her children to Hashem, and becasue of her tfillah He will bring the geulah. Her children have continued to visit her gravesite for thousands of years. We hold the site to be dear to us and even though the area presented itselfto be dangerous at times we have not stoppped from praying at the site of our Ima. In fact, we have only strengthened the defenses around the kever and we probably send more people to daven there ever year than there has ever been.
On 8 Cheshvan, 3 days ago, was the yahrzeit of Reb Nachumke Kaplan of Horodnah tz"l. He was b
Today, 11 Cheshvan is the yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu. There is not enoug
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